Debby Kreitner
I have always been aware of breast cancer. My mother was diagnosed in the early 70's and then my sister shortly after. Because of this, I have always made sure I was checked and even entered a tamoxifen study in the 90's. We moved into Oxford Greens in 2009 and shortly after that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is when we started our friendship with Janet and Alan Hertzmark. Because they had been through all this and knew the doctors in the area, they were a GREAT resource and support. I ended up having a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I went through 3 months of chemo and then 5 weeks of radiation. When I went through the chemo, I will never forget Jan Benoit who first lent me her clippers to shave my head and then some hats. to keep my head warm. You cannot underestimate the comradery of person when you are dealing with this kind of diagnosis.
Through all this, I will say my biggest concern has been being able to still play tennis and garden. And, I have been able to continue both activities with gusto!
This Spring, my oncologist said I did not need to come back anymore because I had passed the critical time of reoccurance and he felt I was clear! I didn't think I was concerned that the cancer would come back; but, I was SO elated to hear this.
My advise is to check yourself (both men and women) on a regular schedule and don't put off that mamogram! Aslo, if you need to talk, call Janet! If you want advise on garden issues, you can call me