2020 Frequently Asked Questions
COVID-19 Update:
The REQUIREMENT to purchase an OGGP Team shirt is suspended for 2020.
Will Seymour Pink hold their annual "Pounding the Pavement for Pink" race and fundraiser in downtown Seymour in October?
No, due to the COVID-19 virus and resulting concerns and restrictions, the 3,000+ people event will not take place. Instead, Seymour Pink is asking teams and individuals to do their own "virtual" events in support of the charity.
What events will take place at Oxford Greens?
Team Oxford Greens Goes Pink is organizing events for our community. Here at Oxford Greens, you will have a choice of supporting Seymour Pink through:
A 5-K event for runners and walkers. (Limited to 30 people, with groups of 5 people in staggered groups). It will start and end at the Ridge Club and it will cover part of Fairview and most of Phase 3. Date, Friday, October 2, 2020 at 9:00 AM
A 3-K event. (Also, with the same limitations above and social distancing.). It will loop around Fairway Drive and part of Country Club. Date, Tuesday, October 6th at 9:00 AM
A true “virtual” participation experience where individuals or small groups can walk or run a distance with which they are comfortable on their own…even on a treadmill anytime from October 1st through October 7th. This virtual race provides people with options so those who wish to do a virtual race on their own can do so.
Donating to Seymour Pink beyond the registration fee via the "DONATE" link on the OGGP website, or by check (payable to Seymour Pink, Inc.). Checks can be returned to the team using the self-addressed, pink envelope mailed to all households in Oxford Greens in early July on by clicking the "DONATE" button on the OGGP website.
Please note: If there is a spike in corona virus cases in the Fall, the BOD may advise us to cancel our 5-K and 3-K events. But, everyone should still be able to participate virtually.
In this day of Covid-19, why are you doing this?
Like most charities, Seymour Pink has been severely impacted by the restrictions placed upon us by the virus. At least five fundraising events have been cancelled since March. Pounding the Pavement for Pink will be their largest fund-raiser in 2020. Team Oxford Greens Goes Pink is committed to supporting Seymour Pink.
When we learned that Pounding the Pavement for Pink would be “virtual” this year, OGGP began to explore ideas to see what we could do to help. OGGP worked with the Oxford Greens Lifestyle Director to develop a plan.
When the idea of our own 5-K event came up, the Lifestyle Director openly embraced the idea. Not so much from the standpoint of helping Seymour Pink, but from her concern over the impact that the quarantine was having on our residents…loneliness, isolation, and depression. She saw having an organized race within our community as a way to draw people together…to give them something to look forward to, cheer about, and take their minds off of the virus.
Do I have to be a resident of Oxford Greens/Fairview to participate?
For 5-K and 3-K events, yes – you must be a resident due to liability and insurance issues. Anyone may participate in the “virtual” event. Anyone can participate in the "virtual" event, even if they don't live at Oxford Greens. We encourage you to invite friends and family who can walk their own neighborhoods or even on their own treadmills.
What are the courses?
The 5-K (3.1 miles) course starts and ends at near the bocce court at the Ridge Club. It goes down to Country Club Drive and makes a right to Championship Drive. The course then goes up Championship drive, over the bridge into Fairview and continues down Championship to the “eyebrow” and loops around back on Championship Drive. It makes a right on Putting Green Lane and goes down Putting Green (including the cul-de-sacs of Traditions Court North and Caddie Court) to the end of Putting Green where it loops around the "eyebrow" and back up to Championship Drive. The course then goes right down the hill on Championship and left on Country Club Drive and returns to the starting line at the Ridge club.
The 3-K (1.86 miles) course starts at the Ridge Club. It goes over the grassy area to the South of the pool to Fairway Drive. It continues down Fairway to Country Club Drive and cuts into Chip Shot Lane and back to Country Club. The course continues South on Country Club to the beginning of the island and returns back on Country Club to Fairway Drive. It makes a right on Fairway and returns to the Ridge Club.
How will the 5-K and 3-K events work?
Each event is limited to 30 participants to insure social distancing. Runners/walkers will leave the start line in groups of five. There will be a ten-minute gap between each group.
Why are you limiting participation to 30?
The primary concern in conducting these in-house events is safety. That includes physical safety and taking all appropriate safeguards against COVID-19. Therefore, in order to be able to maintain social distancing, and keep the disruption within the community to a minimum, we are keeping the number of participants to the number of people that can go out and come back in approximately a two hour time frame.
What about safety during the events?
We will have volunteers controlling vehicular traffic at key points and we will use traffic cones at specific points to create a corridor for runners and walkers. Volunteers will encourage social distancing. There will be three water points on the 5-K route and one on the 3-K route.
How do I Join?
If you plan on participating in either the 5-K or 3-K events, signing up is a two-step process. First, you need to go to the 2020 VIRTUAL tab on this website and click on “Select a Slot”. Once you select your time slot, click on “Register for 2020 Events”. The link will take you to the official Seymour Pink race registration page on the RunSignUP website. (If all of the time slots are full, use the CONTACT form on this website to request being added to the waitlist. However, there is no guarantee that a slot will open up and you may have to do your own “Virtual” walk).
If you are only interest in joining the “Virtual” event, skip the previous step. Just go the www.oggp.org home page and click the JOIN button. It will take you to the official Seymour Pink race registration page on the RunSignUP website.
What is the cost to join?
The early registration fee is $30 in July. It goes up to $35 in August and $40 in September. There is also a $2.50 processing fee for an individual or $3.00 per couple.
Is the registration fee a donation to Seymour Pink?
Only partially, even for the virtual race this year, there are expenses for Seymour Pink to host the event…the T-Shirts, the cost of paying the company that runs the race, etc. Therefore, we encourage all participants to donate to Seymour Pink beyond the registration fee. Every penny of donations goes to the charity.
Is the registration fee tax deductible?
No, it is not.
Why are you having a 3-K event in addition to the 5-K?
We wanted to include as many people in the community as possible; but, we know that some may not be able to do an entire 5-K, especially the challenging hill at the foot of Championship Drive. Therefore, we made a flatter, less challenging course on Country Club Drive.
Why are the 5-K and 3-K events on different days?
The short answer is logistics. We will need many volunteers in order to make these events happen. By having them on different days, we can maximize our resources.
Why do you have to register on the Seymour Pink website and pay to do the “virtual” event?
The whole reason for the “Pounding the Pavement for Pink” race is the raise money for the charity.
I see that there is a 10-K option on the Seymour Pink Site. Is that an option?
OGGP is not sponsoring a 10-K. Individuals can do that on their own. In fact, there is an option to do the "Pink Challenge" by doing both a 5-K AND a 10-K between October 1st and October 4th. There is a separate sign up and registration fee. Participants will receive 2 shirts, medals and more "swag". See the RunSignUp site for details.
How will times be recorded for the 5-K.
Participants will be responsible for recording their own times using their smart phones or sport watches. For the 5-K event, participants will be able to upload their times into the RunSignUP data base.
How will I get my T-shirt?
We will deliver the T-shirts to your door a couple of days before the race. (Residents only)
The event is full; is there a waiting list?
If you go to register for either the 5-K or 3-K events and all the slots are full, use the CONTACT US tab on the OGGP website to request being added to the waiting list. Please note: There is no guarantee that slots will open up for the 5-K/3-K events. Therefore, you may be limited to doing your own "virtual" race if the other events are full.
Are there prizes for first, second and third place winners?
At this time, we are not sure if there will be recognition by Seymour Pink for winners by age group. But, you will always have “bragging rights” in the community.
I don’t want to walk, but I would like to help. What can I do?
We need volunteers. Please contact Bob McCarney, Marsha Heller, Ellen Fox. Or Diane Baumer. Or, click on the volunteer button on the OGGP home page.